Beka Grey Wallpaper, SFE
Textured Beka wallpaper is embellished with a luxurious touch of metallic pale gold. A wonderful choice to accompany a statement design, or perfect when used on all four walls to add depth to your room.
The slate gray Magnolia Grove wallpaper takes a more contemporary design from the Magnolia Grove print, with this radiant combination of gray colors showing thin branches of the magnolia flower design. Simply delicious
Each wallpaper roll is 52 cm wide and 10 meters long, and has a premium quality extra weight substrate.
Disponible: 8 unidades
El papel pintado Magnolia Grove gris pizarra tiene un diseño más contemporáneo del estampado Magnolia Grove, con esta radiante combinación de colores grises que muestran delgadas ramas del diseño de flores de magnolia. Simplemente delicioso
Cada rollo de papel pintado mide 52 cm de ancho y 10 metros de largo, y tiene un sustrato de peso extra de máxima calidad.
Papel pintado estampado de diseño con Sistema de colocación fácil PASTE THE WALL:
El sistema Paste The Wall es la forma más sencilla de cambiar de estilo un dormitorio. Sólo aplica pasta a la pared, coloca el papel, y deja secar. También es muy fácil de quitar, pero estamos convencidos de que no querrás cambiarlo en mucho tiempo.
Recomendamos usar la pasta adhesiva Laura Ashley para un resultado óptimo.
Textured Beka wallpaper is embellished with a luxurious touch of metallic pale gold. A wonderful choice to accompany a statement design, or perfect when used on all four walls to add depth to your room.
Paradise is a beautiful wallpaper, designed to make you whisk you away to a Paradise Island, featuring bold tropical leafs and soft elegant metallics, this wallpaper is the perfect additin to create a space of luxury and wonder.
Laura Ashley Wallpaper Collection. Similar to the timeless look of wood paneling, Redbrook Rectangle Designer Wallpaper offers on-trend appeal and looks fresh and on-trend in this beautiful sage green.Each roll of wallpaper it measures 52 cm wide and 10 meters long, and has a top quality extra weight substrate.