Country Roses Old Rose Pink...
Country Roses. Roses Wallpaper in Dusty Pink, by Laura Ashley. Enchanting and pretty, this striking floral print features bouquets of roses and radiant leaves. Print repeat 52 cm.
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Country Roses. Roses Wallpaper in Dusty Pink, by Laura Ashley. Enchanting and pretty, this striking floral print features bouquets of roses and radiant leaves. Print repeat 52 cm.
HAWLING IRISES Floral print wallpaper, in MIDNIGHT SEASPRAY colour, by Laura Ashley.
Laura Ashley Wallpaper in Midnight Seaspray Blue. This eye-catching design was originally inspired by a sample of wallpaper added to the Laura Ashley archive in 1987. Narbeth is a large-scale naturalistic design which features bouquets of deciduous tree leaves intertwined with feathery flowers.