Clemence Square Mirror With...
Square wall mirror, with lavishly beveled frame design and gold accents. Elegant and sophisticated, this mirror will be the center of attention in any room.
Disponible: 3 unidades
Espectacular espejo redondode marco multifacetado, que aportará un aire de inspiración Art Decó a tu hogar.
Espejo facetado con borde biselado
Medidas 60 cm x 2 cm
Atención: los espejos deben colocarse en paredes resistentes. Incluyen instrucciones para una colocación segura.
Salvo que se indique lo contrario, nuestros espejos no están aconsejados para baños o zonas húmedas.
Square wall mirror, with lavishly beveled frame design and gold accents. Elegant and sophisticated, this mirror will be the center of attention in any room.
Square wall mirror, with clear glass rim and mirror trim, with an elegant and light design.
Large rectangular wall mirror, Art Deco inspired, with a mirror frame with richly beveled edges, very elegant and sophisticated.